The best diet for women over 40 is the Ketogenic diet. It gets solid results, and it is simple to understand.
It's foundation of low-carbs, moderate protein, and high good fats makes weight-loss so much easier, but more importantly, the Ketogenic diet helps protect women from developing Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.
Today, more than ever, women are taking personal initiative for their own health. Why? Because since the 1980's women have seen a huge increase in the gender-related developments of serious illness due to poor metabolic physiology.
Sadly, we can now trace that back to the 1980's when the dogma of "Make sure you eat 11 whole grains a day, and eat low-fat foods."
It was based on unreliable and compromised research, yet decades later, doctors still blindly promote this nutritional advice, and women continue to get fatter...and sicker.
Weight loss over 40 can seem daunting, but everyday, women search Google for topics such as "weight loss tips for women over 40"..."losing weight after 40"..."looking for the best diet"...and, "plan for long-term health and maintain a healthy weight."
Women are tired of being lied to. They are tired of getting confusing, out-of-date nutritional information from medical professionals who do not read current research. (Did you know that it takes almost 20 years for solid medical research to be accepted by conventional doctors?)
They are tired of being promised a "bikini body in 28 days" and "melting off a muffin top with secret supplements."
They do not need one more weight loss diet. What they need is clear guidance for making positive lifestyle changes, that result in effective weight loss and a sustainable exercise plan.
Janice Avery (52) who runs her home business from Pinellas Park FL, said, "I tried several so-called weight management meal plans, after I went through menopause,
Each one had a lot of essential dos and don'ts to excite my metabolism, and provide successful weight loss results.
However, they were actually harsh, starvation-type diets. They did not provide sustainable weight loss. I was eating less, every meal, but I was not feeling satiated.
I ended up with a meal and snack mentality that made my weight loss journey discouraging. I was also starting to display high blood pressure because I was so anxious about my struggle with weight.
Thankfully, I found the Ketogenic Diet. It is the most effective diet for women over 50. It is easy to follow. I eat protein-rich foods, foods loaded with fiber, and quality fats.
Women who are serious about losing weight, find the Keto diet will actually help you eat less because you feel full when eating natural foods.
High-carb processed foods, phony whole-grains, and fried foods are no longer part of your eating plan.
Many women struggle with health and weight issues after college.
Losing weight after 40 becomes even harder because of changes in your hormones.
Fortunately, a Keto diet plan makes weight loss easier, and you feel much stronger during your weight loss because you actually have the energy to look forward to exercising."
It is no wonder that hundreds of women, everyday, see the Custom Keto Diet as the best weight loss diet to follow.
Women over 40 don't need another eating plan that borders on starvation, includes commando workouts, or forces you to record every ounce of carbs you ingested.
What they do need is a compass for changing the trajectory of their nutritional habits. A new lifestyle direction.
In a nutshell, when you follow a Ketogenic eating plan, you will be eating whole, all-natural foods. You will eliminate toxic modern foods composed of sugar, refined grains, and addictive industrial seed oils.
Your diet will now consist of good fats, moderate protein, and only about 50 grams of carbs, which will come from vegetables. (The typical American diet dials up about 300 grams of carbohydrates per day...and most of those carbs are highly processed with cell-destroying industrial seed oils. Gulp!)
By following a Ketogenic diet, you will discover how to eat more consciously. You will discover how to get sugar foods, and processed carbohydrates OUT of your diet, and keep them out.
You will discover how to lose belly fat, and keep it off forever.
Arlene Evans (43) is an elementary school teacher in Edmonds WA. She said, "I knew I had to lose weight, but it just depressed me to even think about starting a conventional diet.
I did not want to deal with schedules, measuring, or recording. I wanted something where I didn't have to think through every piece of food I was going to eat.
At 5'4", I weighed 155 lbs. In my mind, I looked like the Michelin Man. I felt bloated and unattractive. I was always tired, and it seemed that I was becoming more irritable. I hated looking at myself in the mirror when I got out of the shower.
On top of all this, I had been reading a best-selling book called the XX Brain, which discussed the complexity of women's brains, and how our poor diets, lack of exercise and sleep, and constant stress created inflammation in our brains that predisposed women to Alzheimer's disease.
That shook me! It shook me very badly because I had watched my grandmother, and her sister die wretched deaths from that disease.
The author, Dr Lisa Mosconi, said evidence pointing to a future controlled by Alzheimer's could be predicted 10-30 years ahead of the onset. She said the best prevention was a mindful change in eating habits, daily moderate exercise, drinking more water, and getting better sleep. Why had my doctor not told me this?
I found out about the Custom Keto Diet at my church. I saw a little index card on the bulletin board that said, 'W.W.J.E.' (What Would Jesus Eat) and gave me a website link. I was curious, so I checked it out when I got home.
Even though I found this at church, I did not have much 'faith' in it being something simple to follow. I also expected it was another one of those 'Lose Fat In 10-Days Just $500" kind of programs.
I was stunned when I read through the sales site. The focus was on eating natural foods (What would Jesus eat!)
It only cost $39. I got a kit containing a 24-page eBook that explained things simply, 9 two-minute videos that reinforced different aspects of the Ketogenic diet, a bonus eBook, and several weeks of menus to get me started.
I figured I was spending close to $39 a week on the sugary coffees I got at the Starbucks drive-through, maybe this would be a better choice for my money.
It was! (Yuck-o. I cannot believe I put that stuff in my body for so many years.)
It turned out that this high-fat, carb-restrictive eating plan started turning my health around in the first week. During the first 8 days, I lost four lbs...but I never felt starved. I always felt full, but not bloated.
It was different. Actually, it was wonderful.
During the first month, I added 30 minutes of just walking in the morning, and 30 minutes in the evening. I was pleasantly surprised that I stopped snacking.
In the first 5 weeks, a little over a month, I dropped 20 lbs. It was as if I wasn't even trying. I was on Cloud 9 because I was eating healthy, and I was accomplishing a fat-loss goal without gritting my teeth with will power.
In the next 3-1/2 months, I dropped another 30 pounds! I was down to 103 lbs, and people were telling me I looked fabulous! The results were tremendously noticeable. My waist dropped 9 full inches. I even had two teachers ask me if I'd had bariatric surgery!
I am on the Ketogenic diet for life. I am sleeping way better. My energy level stays high all day. My face looks 15 years younger because it is so much more angular and defined.
But, the best benefit is knowing I am preventing harm to come to my brain chemistry, and I am at the very lowest possibility of contracting Type 2 diabetes or Alzheimer's.
I would tell everyone that the Ketogenic diet is the best diet for women over 40."
"When the low-fat dietary advice I had been preaching for decades didn’t work for me in middle age, I changed to low-carb.
At my clinic, we focus on a low-carb diet. When I first told people, way back in 2013, that they could eat all the eggs and bacon they wanted, they were shocked. A Ketogenic works, and people lose significant weight." Dr Susan Wolver, Clinic Director of the VCU Health Medical Weight Loss Program
The Ketogenic diet is easy to shop for. Easy to remember.
* You will eat what comes off trees (fruit, nuts) , comes out of the ground (vegetables, seeds), or you have to chase it down (meat, fowl, fish).
* If it has a nutrition facts label (other than an egg carton), you probably don't need it.
* Drink a lot of water. (It keeps the brain hydrated, and greatly reduces your chances of Alzheimer's disease or stroke.)
JoAnna Holmes (42) is an RN from Astoria OR. She said, "It took me awhile before I found that the Ketogenic diet was the best diet for women.
I had let myself go after my divorce. In 7 years, I had gained 40 lbs. It was horrible. I was disgusted to look at myself in the mirror when I got out of the shower.
I tried running in the mornings, one of those years. I was diligent for 6 months. I did not miss a day. I pushed myself to run 5 miles each time.
Guess what my results were? I lost 6 months. Ha!
Oh, I lost about 3-4 lbs, but it was so discouraging and made me even more depressed. I thought running was supposed to be the be-all, end-all for fat loss. Boy, was I mistaken.
One of the girls at work started talking about the diet she was going on, and said it was the best diet for women over 40. Actually, she said she was going to make a lifestyle change, as opposed to going on a diet.
I'd heard that before, so I smiled, but tuned her out the rest of my shift.
About 7 or 8 weeks later, she showed up on my shift, and I was stunned. She looked like a different person. She had lost 22 lbs, and her face was very angular. Her skin looked like it glistened.
When I asked her what she'd done, (because I thought she'd had some kind of surgery), she said it was all due to the Ketogenic diet she was following.
During our break, she showed me a video of a researcher named Dr Lori Shemek, who was discussing how following a Ketogenic diet will significantly reduce women's risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer disease.
That got my attention real quickly. As a nurse, I see patients with those two developments on a daily basis. I wanted no part of either.
When I went home that night, I got online and got the plan.
Since then, I haven't looked back. It has been the best $39 I spent this year. (Actually, $39 is about what I'd spend, each month, when I ordered pizza/bread sticks delivery.)
In 8 months time, I have lost almost 45 lbs.
Instead of running for an hour, I now walk.
Plus, I purchased some dumbbells and a kettlebell. I do weight exercises with one of those every morning after I walk. It adds about another 10-15 minutes.
I also drink more water and go to bed earlier. It's been a complete lifestyle change, just by following a simple program.
I feel like I'm the most fortunate woman in the world."
When I say the best diet for women is one that makes sense, I mean one that is not extreme, is researched-based, and you can explain it to your friends in just a couple of sentences.
The Ketogenic diet focuses on all-natural foods. It is low-carb. It has elements of easy, intermittent fasting. It melts body fat, and significantly reduces your chances for Type 2 diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer's.
There are no severe low-calorie days. No starvation days. No dangerous diet pills to take. There are no harsh workouts. Many women do not even count calories on a Keto eating plan because they feel so satiated and energized, they eat far less than they used to.
Joyce Donaldson (39) is a librarian in Eugene OR. She said, "As I g0t closer to 40, I could see the handwriting on the wall. I had put on about 25 lbs in the past 2-3 years, even though I was following some diets that were the same as the women in Hollywood.
Obviously, something wasn't working.
I happened to be watching a news channel, and I saw an interview with Dr Susan Wolver, who is the Clinic Director of the VCU Health Medical Weight Loss Program.
When she said, 'Ketogenic diet' and discussed the success of hundreds of women coming through her clinic, I knew this was the program I had been looking for.
In a little over 6 months, I lost 30 lbs. I ate great, but all natural foods. I had more energy. I found out intermittent fasting did NOT mean intermittent starving. My skin looked better, and my depression had lifted.
However, the biggest benefit for me is knowing that I am protecting my brain from inflammation that will trigger Alzheimer's 20 years from now. I would be full of regrets if I knew I passed up a simple and effective prevention for that insidious disease.
For me, the Custom Keto plan is the best diet for women over 40."
Ben Greenfield, New York Times best-selling author of Boundless: said, "The benefits of following a Ketogenic lifestyle are ~
- Weight Loss
- Better mental focus;
- More energy,
- Improved sleep quality and duration;
- Blood sugar balance and enhanced insulin sensitivity
- Helps to fight Type 2 Diabetes
- Helps to lower blood pressure;
- Increases satiety or a feeling of having had enough to eat and decreased food cravings;
- Migraine treatment;
- Neuroprotective benefits such as Alzheimer’s disease,
- Improved mood;
- Reduction in inflammation;
- Stroke and heart disease prevention."
Whew! That about covers it, doesn't it?
With these exceptional benefits, though, comes a resolve to sticking to a more empowered lifestyle.
You cannot do Keto half-way. You will be giving up foods that taste incredibly delicious (donuts, pastries, breads, pasta, etc), but are literally setting you up for rapidly deteriorating health 10 years (or less!) down the road.
It doesn't have to be this way. The Ketogenic diet is the best diet for women over 40.
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Remember! Before starting any new nutrition, exercise, or supplementation program, it is imperative that you first consult with your doctor to receive full medical clearance. This article is for information purposes only. It does NOT take the place of professional medical advice.
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