Custom Keto Diet For Women Burns Fat Naturally And Protects Brain Health!

The Custom Keto Diet for women helps them lose weight naturally, and protects their brain health.

A Keto diet for women is critical because it helps them lose weight naturally, and significantly reduces their risk for Alzheimer’s disease. 

The Ketogenic diet has become extremely popular with women for one simple reason: IT GETS RESULTS. Women find they can lose 25-30 lbs within just a few months, without resorting to a starvation-type diet, taking toxic drugs, or resorting to extreme exercise programs.

Everyday, women search for topics such as, "healthy keto meals"..."the perfect keto breakfast"..."best diet for women over 40"...and, "what are the healthiest keto foods?"

Women want straight answers. The Standard America Diet, promoted since the 1980's has NOT worked for women. Far too many have developed Type 2 diabetes, and ever more tragic, Alzheimer’s disease.

The best-selling program for beginners is the Custom Keto Diet. Everyday, hundreds of women comment on nutritional and weight loss forums about their success with this eating plan.

Sandy Richardson (41) is a nurse living in Clearwater FL. She said, "I was embarrassed to tell people I was a health professional because I had let myself get so overweight. I'm 5'5", but I weighed over 190 lbs. It was pathetic.

I knew I had to lose 60 lbs, which seemed impossible. It depressed me just to think about it.

Fortunately, at a nursing conference, I ran into a classmate from nursing school at Florida Atlantic University. She looked like Olympic athlete. I could not believe what I was seeing.

When she told me she was following a best-selling Ketogenic diet plan, I wanted to hear all about it.

She told me it was so simple, and medically-responsible, that she had been recommending it to patients suffering from obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and other inflammatory disorders.

For the next three days, we talked non-stop nutrition. I learned more from her, than I did in four years of medical classes in college. 

I started eating only the things that she did at lunch and dinner, then ordered the program when I got back to my room.

It was $39 and came with a 60-day full money-back guarantee. I wasn't real worried, because I saw what it had done for Bonnie.

That first month, I followed the 28-day meal planner and lost 15 lbs! 

I could not believe it. I was eating great, natural foods, and I felt full all day. I felt so full, that I did not even go into the nurses' lounge to snack on the donuts and pastries in there.

Now, I was starting to understand why a keto diet for women was so popular.

I started getting up earlier, and walking for 30 minutes each morning. Then, after dinner, I would walk for 45 minutes on the beach.

I would not eat again for 12 hours. This was the Intermittent Fasting part of the program. I was able to do this without actually forcing myself because I was sleeping so much better.

The next month, I lost 20 more pounds! I was more than  halfway to my goal in just 60 days. 

In month #3, I added in 5 Men's push-ups, each day, plus I would hang from a bar at the Pier 60 playground for 2 sets of 30 seconds.

I lost another 11 pounds."

The Custom Keto Diet helps women lose belly fat and thigh fat, naturally.

"By month #4, I had gotten stronger. I was up to 15 men's push-ups and I could almost do a full pull-up.

I added in 20 air squats, at the beginning and the end of my walks.

6 weeks later, when I got on the scale, I was down another 7 lbs!

In the span of close to 5 months, I dropped over 50 lbs.

I looked completely different. People continually commented on how healthy my skin looked. All the other nurses wanted to know what 'secret diet' I was following so religiously.

When I told them all I had done was get all sugar foods, bread and high-carb processed foods, and disgusting industrial seed oils like Canola and soy oil completely out of my diet, they couldn't believe it.

Right now, I am under my goal of 130 lbs. I'm at 127 lbs, and I do not even worry about ever going above that. 

The only thing different I did, after 6 months, was to start swinging a 25 lbs kettlebell 50 times each day. I learned by watching kettlebell training videos on YouTube. I started with a 10-pound one.

I am living proof that a Keto diet for women works!"

Click here to gain access to the Custom Keto Diet.

The Custom Keto Diet For Women Helps Reduce The Risk Of Developing Alzheimer’s 

The Custom Keto Diet for women helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of a Ketogenic diet for women is that it significantly reduces the risk for developing Alzheimer's after menopause.

What most women do not know is that the bio-markers for Alzheimer's begin presenting even 30 AHEAD of the onset of clinical symptoms. Women have decades to head off this life-destroying disease, but they just do not have the information.

 "The female brain and women’s brain health, is one of the most under-researched, under-diagnosed and underrated fields in medicine. Women's brain health remains one of the most underrepresented and unspoken concerns, one that is constantly glossed over."

 ~ Dr Lisa Mosconi, Director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College,

Making positive lifestyle changes, especially in the four critical areas of: Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, and Stress Reduction, is of extreme importance to women who wish to protect their brain's destiny.

The Custom Keto Diet for women gives women the correct formula for keeping their brain away from destructive inflammation.

"Brain health prevention means having all the right information. I think it should be treated the same as mammograms. At age 40, ideally you would get a brain scan to get a baseline measurement so that we can go back and compare and see over time whether our brain changes dramatically and why.” ~ Dr Lisa Mosconi - Neuroscientist, and bestselling author of XX Brain.

Brenda Norton (39) is a nurse in Eugene OR. She said, "In the past year, I've started reading a lot about the lack of medical awareness, and care, when it comes to women's brain health.

A book called, XX Brain, by Dr Lisa Mosconi, really opened my eyes.

One thing I've done is follow her recommendation about eating as cleanly and naturally, to provide your brain with the most nourishing elements possible.

The other thing I want to do is get a brain imaging procedure so that I have a foundation to build from for the next 20-30 years. I plan on following a Ketogenic lifestyle for the rest of my life.

I've gotten all sugar foods, high-carb foods made from refined grains, and harmful industrial seed oils completely out of my diet, now.

I eat a Keto diet for women that is very low-carb, but high in good fats (*See Below), and a moderate intake of protein. "

"Even though  I still consider myself an athlete, I found that I lost 15 lbs, last year, without even focusing on that aspect. I'm considerably more toned and defined than I was when I played basketball in college.

The big thing for me, though, is knowing I am taking the best care possible for my brain health. I see patients come through our hospital, everyday, in different stages of cognitive decline.

I do NOT want to be in that situation. I do not want to spend the years after menopause in a wheelchair, an adult diaper, and functioning off the scope of reality.

I plan on getting my initial brain imaging when I turn 40, and I plan of following the Custom Keto Diet for women the rest of my life."

Click Here to get the Custom Keto Diet for women.

The Custom Keto Diet For Women Is Perfect
For Beginners

The Custom Keto Diet is perfect for beginners.

The Custom Keto Diet is perfect for women who are just starting a Ketogenic program.

* You'll get recipes, printable shopping lists, and month-long meal plans to help you easily get started.

* The Keto diet is NOT another fad diet. It has been critically researched, and medically prescribed, for over 70 years, and peer-reviewed on a continual basis.

* You will discover how to lose significant amounts of belly fat and thigh fat, naturally.

* You will discover how to make immediate, great food choices for maintaining your weight loss, while you enhance your brain health.

* You will eat foods you like, and you will not go hungry. 

The Custom Keto Diet for women is easy to understand, simple to initiate, and it gets results!

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